The INGENIOUS New Way to Learn Piano & Keyboard

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Rach 3 & Boléro

We went to the first concert of the Pacific Symphony's 2018-2019 classical concert series!  :)

Listen to Alan Chapman's preview on SoundCloud.

The Saturday night performance will broadcast on Classical KUSC on February 3, 2019.

Music director Carl St.Clair conducted with pianist Olga Kern.

FRANK Ticheli:  Shooting Stars
Rachmaninoff:  Piano Concerto No. 3
Mozart:  Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola
Ravel:  Boléro

The Boléro piece was played with a video showing footage of the 40 years of the Symphony.  It was perfectly in synch with the music.  Very good job, Jeffery Sells!  :)

We also went to the Sunday concert.

Olga Kern was amazing as the Saturday concert, a very powerful Rachmaninoff.

If the fact that she wore a different dress on the concert wasn't amazing enough, she also played different pieces for the encore.  On Saturday, it was a virtuosic piece by Mussorgsky.  On Sunday, it was the Flight of the Bumblebee.  I don't know how she can do that right after a Rach 3!

She noted that she never felt the piece to be difficult, maybe because she was experiencing it before she was born.  Her mother was playing it when Olga was still in the womb!

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