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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Joshua Bell

KUSC is broadcasting the first concert of Pacific Symphony's current classical concert series tonight at 7 PM (PST).

I went to the concert live, and it was an awesome event.

I have a feeling that the intermission interview is going to be cut.

It would be great if KUSC would air Rich Capparela's interviews again.

Rich took some questions from the listeners prior to intermission for Joshua Bell, here are a couple of them.

Q.  Why is Jascha Heifetz your favorite violinist?
A.  His intensity and honesty.

Q.  Are there any pieces that you played so many time that you dislike it?
A.  For example, there was a time he had to give the Bruch a break.

Rich also chatted with Carl St. Clair about Bernstein.

[Update]  A pleasant surprise, they DID air the intermission interviews!  I hope that's going to be a trend.  :)

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