The INGENIOUS New Way to Learn Piano & Keyboard

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Vivaldi's Four Seasons

We went to the Saturday Pacific Symphony concert last night.

This performance will broadcast on KUSC on Sunday, July 24 at 7 PM (PST).

Listen to Alan Chapman's preview on SoundCloud.

Music director Carl St.Clair conducted with violinist Philippe Quint, who also lead the Vivaldi.

Antonio Vivaldi:  The Four Seasons, Op. 8
Richard Strauss:  An Alpine Symphony, TrV 233, Op. 64

Assistant conductor Roger Kalia did the pre-concert lecture again, and interviewed Philippe Quint.

A student of Dorothy DeLay, Philippe shared some experiences about her teaching methods.
He said she was a great psychologist, and stayed very positive.  For example, if she saw a problem with an intonation, she would ask "What is your concept of F#?".  A sharp contrast from is experience in Russia, where there would be hollering, insulting, etc.  Back there, he would hear stories of music flies out, the instrument flies out, and the student flies out.  :)
Dorothy's students are also all unique, as she shared her knowledge without imposing her persona.

His performance was awesome, I haven't seen anybody play so happily since Itzhak Perlman!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

[Car tune] Con el chola y el changuito

Rich Capparela's car tune.

"... it's like my old grandmother used to say to me, "Jeff," she didn't wear glasses and she got us confused.  "Jeff", she would say, "nothing takes her mind off a bad traffic jam like an indigenous Andean shepherd"..."

"Con el chola y el changuito" by Angel Lasala
Performance by Stephanie Jutt, flute, Elena Abend, piano.

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Midori & The Planets

We went to the Saturday Pacific Symphony concert last night.

This performance will broadcast on KUSC on Sunday, July 17 at 7 PM (PST).

Listen to Alan Chapman's preview on SoundCloud.

Guest conductor Bramwell Tovey lead violinist Midori and the Women of Pacific Chorale.

Claude Debussy (Arr. Leopold Stokowski):  Clair de Lune
Erich Wolfgang Korngold:  Concerto in D Major for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 35

Gustav Holst:  The Planets

Assistant conductor Roger Kalia filled in for Alan Chapman in the pre-concert lecture.  He interviewed Midori and Bramwell Tovey.

Bramwell was hilarious, he also shared some thoughts about the pieces during the concert after the Clair de Lune, so don't miss the KUSC broadcast!  :)