The INGENIOUS New Way to Learn Piano & Keyboard

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Brahms & Prokofiev

We went to the Pacific Symphony concert early February!  :)

Listen to Alan Chapman's preview on SoundCloud.

The Saturday night performance will broadcast on Classical KUSC on March 4, 2018.

We also went to see the rehearsal on Wednesday.  They had an app called EnCue, which supposedly showed real time program notes.  I couldn't find the concert on Saturday, so I guess it didn't work out as expected...

Assistant concertmaster Jeanne Skrocki served as concertmaster this time!

Music director Carl St.Clair conducted with pianist Alexander Romanovsky.

Johannes Brahms:  Symphony No. 3 in F Major, Op. 90

Paul Chihara:  Wild Wood (West Coast premiere)
Serge Prokofiev:  Concerto No. 2 in G Minor for Piano & Orchestra, Op. 16

Alan Chapman interviewed our star guests, Alexander Romanovsky and Paul Chihara at the pre-concert lecture.  They talked about Alexande's youth, how composers can make the biggest bang for the buck, and other things.  :)

This is the first time the Pacific Symphony played Prokofiev's 2nd piano concerto.

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