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Friday, June 12, 2015

Fire & Water

Went to see the Pacific Symphony concert on Thursday.

The Saturday performance will be Plazacasted outside of the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, free of charge.

The Saturday performance will also broadcast on KUSC on Sunday, August 2 at 7 PM (PST).

Listen to Alan Chapman's preview on SoundCloud.

Music director Carl St.Clair conducted with principal flutist Benjamin Smolen and soprano Deborah Voigt.

Antonio Vivaldi:  Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in F Major, RV 433 La Tempesta di Mare
Laura Karpman:  Siren Songs (WORLD PREMIERE)

Richard Wagner:  Selections from Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods)

Our friend noticed that Benjamin Smolen always wears brown shoes.  :)

Some fun stuff from Alan Chapman's pre-concert lecture.

Laura was destined to become a composer.

Even though she doesn't come from a musical family, her mother wanted her to become one since she was pregnant with Laura!

When she started composing at age 7, the boundaries were vague between her own work and other people's work.

The instructions she got from Carl when commissioned today's work were:  "It has to be something about the ocean, and multimedia."

The orchestra "singing" the song is a metaphor of the lack of female voice in media music composition.

And of course, Alan made it from LA to OC in 45 minutes, because he left at 1 PM.  :)

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